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FAQs for Ragin' Grads

Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions for ceremonies. Virtually ALL questions can be answered in detail by reviewing the different pages on the site but a quick review is provided below.

Which ceremony do I attend?
Spring/Fall Graduates are required to the General Assembly and their College Ceremony.
Summer Graduates are required to attend the Commencement Ceremony. There is one ceremony for all graduates in the Summer.

What do I wear for graduation?
Students are required to wear official University issued caps, gowns and tassels when participating in the University's Commencement Ceremonies.

How do I get tickets for graduation ceremonies?
Spring/Fall Graduates: Not all graduation ceremonies require tickets.. Please check with your college in regards to detailed ticket information.
Summer Graduates: Tickets are not issued for Summer.

At what ceremony will my degree be conferred/ name be called?
Spring/Fall Graduates(Bachelor/Masters) - Your degree conferral will take place at your individual college ceremony.
Spring/Fall Graduates (Doctoral- Your degree conferral will take place at the General Assembly.
Summer Graduates (ALL) - Your degree conferral will take place that Summer Commencement Ceremony.

Can I still attend a ceremony and now I have a class that I will not complete?
You are only allowed to participate in one commencement ceremony and it must be the ceremony in which you have completed all requirements for your degree. If you fail to complete requirements for any reason, you are not allowed to participate in the ceremony.

I have guests who want to watch the ceremony online. How can they do that?
Live streaming is available for most ceremonies.

What happens if I show up late for any ceremony?
It is recommended that you arrive at the times instructed to you in your emails from the Office of the University Registrar and/or Academic College. College Ceremonies require that students check-in and receive their reader/image card.